If you drew one card from a standard​ deck, would it be​ "significant" to draw a​ 5? answer the​ question, considering an event to be​ "significant" if its probability is less than or equal to 0.05.

Respuesta :

It has been given to us that an event is considered to be​ "significant" if its probability is less than or equal to 0.05.

Thus, we have to find the probability of the event where a 5 is drawn from a standard deck of 52 cards.

We know that there are four cards of denomination 5 in a standard deck of 52 cards and thus the probability of the required event of drawing a 5 is as:

[tex] P=\frac{4}{52} \approx0.0769 [/tex]

This is greater than the required 0.05 or in other words [tex] P>0.05 [/tex] and thus, the asked event (that of drawing a 5) is not "significant".