- What were the Crusades? (Include your definition)
-What were the 3 main causes of the Crusades?

Respuesta :

The Crusades were a series of Christian religious wars instigated by the Roman Catholic Church to take back the Holy Lands (Israel) from the Muslims.

There were some causes for the crusades, including:

- Massacres of Christian Pilgrims in Jerusalem

About 3000 Christian Pilgrims were murdered in Jerusalem following a fight between Christians and Muslims

- The threat of the Turks

The start of the expansion of Turk lands clashed with Christian interest, and led to fights.

- Religious Conviction

In a effort to get soldiers and pilgrims to join the Crusades, the pope allowed clemency to be given to those who went on the crusades, and their 'sins were essentially forgiven when they partook on the trip.'

hope this helps