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Skeleton systems can be divided into the two main categories of axial and appendicular.

The axial skeleton consists of the bones on the axis of your body, or central core of your body. For example, your spine, ribs, sacrum, etc.

The appendicular skeleton consists of the extremities of the arms and legs, or basically every other bone. For example, your clavicle, scapula, pelvis, femur, phalanges, humerus, tarsals, etc.

The skeleton has two main parts - the axial and the appendicular skeleton.

The axial skeleton is the 80 bones of the upper body. It includes the skull, the vertebrae of the backbone, the ribs and breastbone. The arm and shoulder bones are suspended from it.

The appendicular skeleton is the other 126 bones -  the arm and shoulder bones, and the leg and hip bones. It includes the femur (thigh bone), the body's longest bone.