To pair the commands with the matching ideas, first translate the sentences.
A. Prueba la comida tradicional. - "Try the traditional food."
B. Lleva capas en el avión. - "Wear layers on the plane."
C. Usa un portador de pasaporte. - "Use a passport holder."
D. Usa tu celular para tomar fotos. - "Use your phone to take pictures."
1. No traigas una cámara grande. - "Do not bring a big camera."
2. Observa las costumbres locales. - "Observe the local traditions."
3. Usa ropa cómoda y ligera. - "Wear comfortable, light clothing."
4. Esconde tus papeles importantes. - "Hide your important papers."
Based on the above translations:
- A goes with 2
- B goes with 3
- C goes with 4
- D goes with 1
Hope this helps! (: