A building casts a shadow that's 88 meters long on the ground. The straight line distance from the top of the building to the end of the building of the shadow creates is at a 32° angle with the ground. what is the approximate hight of the building (the answer is to be rounded to the nearest meter)

Respuesta :

The triangle formed by the building, its shadow and the line between the end of shadow to top of the building has the following values:-

adjacent side = 88 m, angle of elevation = 32 degrees and we need to find the length of the opposite side ( that is height of the building).

A = 88 , m < elevation = 32 and O = ?

SOH-CAH-TOA     - so we need the tan of 32:-

tan 32 = O / 88
O = 88 * tan 32 =  55m to nearest meter ( answer)