Respuesta :

The correct answer
He wanted people to understand that whatever he was saying was his personal view. 
Charlotte also used first person view because he was describing his personal experiences and he wanted to delineate how his skills improved through the reflection. 


Charlotte Perkins Gilman migh have written "the yellow paper" in the first person of view to:

Make the reader empathize with the mood and the argument of the story.


There are two main reasons for this, first of all "the yellow paper" is a story about a woman that goes to live into a house specially rented for her recovery of a so-called "a nervous depression" that her husband diagnoses to her. Showing that she is completely manipulated by him. Second, to show the readers how being a violented woman is to be. So, people stop exercising violence on them because it is unfair. Thus, it guides the reader to understand the mood and create conscience about it.