People with a reputation for being dishonest or insincere have an extremely easier time in negotiations since their actions are of little consequence to their conscious. select one:
a. True
b. False

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People with a reputation for being dishonest or insincere have an extremely easier time in negotiations since their actions are of little consequence to their conscious. select one: 
a. True 
b. False -- SELECT THIS

The answer is FALSE because negotiations require trust between the parties. People with low credibility or are known to be dishonest will have a hard time in negotiations because they will not be trusted.

it is false that people with a reputation of being dishonest or insincere have an extremely easier time in negotiation since their actions are of little consequences to their conscience.

It is almost impossible to determine who is who when negotiation is taking place. Having an extremely easier time to negotiate does not translate to dishonesty. The reality is that as human, we all have the capacity to lie. Individual can lie easily more than others. In fact some individual are masters in lying. Just because someone has easier time to negotiate doesn’t it mean they are dishonest or not. If we are unsure of the integrity of the person we are negotiating with, there are certain ways to spot their untruths and this include inconsistency and eye contact.

Inconsistency: A persons that lies have one thing in common, there is no consistency in the things they say or share. When we pay close attention to the details they share, inconsistency and exaggeration will assist us to confirm our suspicions.

Eye contact exposes the guilt and anxiety of a dishonest individual when a negotiation is taking place. An insincere person will be easily detected if he can’t maintain eye contact. Other ways to spot an individual dishonesty is body language, tone and speech of speech.


  • easier time to negotiate
  • eye contact
  • time to negotiate