In 1992, the population of Seoul. South Korea was 17,334,000. In 1995, the population of Seoul was 19,065,000. Find the average rate of change of the population in people per year.

Respuesta :

577,000, there is an average change of 577,000 people per year.

To find the average rate of change of the population of people per year, we first need to find the population change per any amount of time, and then divide by how much time that is (in this case, three years). We can find the population change by subtracting the values 17,334,000 and 19,065,000. Subtracting them, we get a change of 1,731,000 in three years. Now, to find the average rate of change of the population in people per year, we divide by three, which gives us our answer of 577,000 people, on average, per year.