Respuesta :
atrocious-very poor or terrible conditions
exculpatory-a statement or evidence that would prove a person's innocence
miscegenation-marriage between people of different races
provocation-the act of deliberately making a person angry
inculpatory-a statement that incriminates another person
exculpatory-a statement or evidence that would prove a person's innocence
miscegenation-marriage between people of different races
provocation-the act of deliberately making a person angry
inculpatory-a statement that incriminates another person
1. atrocious: very poor or terrible conditions
Atrocious refers to something of very poor quality, unpleasant, or in very poor or terrible conditions, for example when it's snowing and windy, we can define the weather as atrocious, and when someone's accent is very bad, we can also qualify it as atrocious.
2. exculpatory: a statement or evidence that would prove a person's innocence
This term comes from the medieval Latin word “exculpate” which means “freed from blame.” In law, exculpatory refers to the statement or evidence showing that a person is not guilty of wrongdoing, in other words, that he or she is innocent.
3. inculpatory: a statement that incriminates another person
This term is an antonym of exculpatory and refers to the evidence or statement that accuse or blame someone of committing a crime or wrongdoing.
4. miscegenation: marriage between people of different races
Miscegenation is another word for “interracial marriage.”
5. provocation: the act of deliberately making a person angry
Provocation refers to any deliberate talk or act that make someone angry or that incite someone to do something, usually something violent or illegal.