Q: Which four lines in this excerpt from "Flight" by John Steinbeck contain personification?

A. The farm buildings huddled like the clinging aphids on the mountain skirts, crouched low to the ground as though the wind might blow them into the sea. . . .
Five-fingered ferns hung over the water and dropped spray from their fingertips. . . .
The high mountain wind coasted sighing through the pass
and whistled on the edges of the big blocks of broken granite. . . .
A scar of green grass cut across the flat.
Gradually the sharp snaggled edge of the ridge stood out above them
Pepe had dropped his reins on the horn, leaving direction to the horse

Respuesta :


I believe the correct answers for this question: which four lines in this excerpt from "Flight" by John Steinbeck contain personification, would be: A, B, C, and D.


The reason comes from understanding what personification means, and how it is applied in literature. Personification, is the technique that uses human characteristics, or human qualities, including abstract qualities, but that are unique to humans, to describe, or give them, to non-human subjects, or objects. In this way, sentences A, B, C and D, all make references to actions that are very human: like huddling and crouching, for sentence A, Five-fingered ferns, and spray from their fingertips, in sentence B, sighing, in sentence C and Whistling, in sentence D, all pertain to actions, or characteristics that are inherently human, and they are given to non-human objects, or subjects. That´s the reason for the choices I made.

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