Can someone help me?

Write a paragraph comparing the box plots of Manuel’s data and Gretchen’s data in term of outliners, minimum, maximum, range, and interquartile range.

Can someone help me Write a paragraph comparing the box plots of Manuels data and Gretchens data in term of outliners minimum maximum range and interquartile ra class=

Respuesta :

Manuel's box plot has a median of 8. The lower quartile is 6 and the upper quartile is 10, so the interquartile range is 4. The minimum in Manuel's data is 3 and the maximum is 14, so the range is 11. On the other hand, Gretchen's median is 9. Her lower quartile is at 7, and the upper one at 12, which makes the interquartile range 5. Her minimum is also at 3, but the maximum is 15. The range is 15. Finally, Gretchen has an outlier of 22.