Match the terms below with their correction definition. 1. media preferential prejudice 2. allegory the main means of mass communication 3. bias a story with a moral or political meaning

Respuesta :

1)  media— the main means of mass communication.
2)  allegory—a story with a moral or political meaning.
3)  bias—preferential prejudice.
 Hope this helps!
 Best wishes.


Media: The main means of mass communication.

Allegory: A story with a moral or political meaning.

Bias: Preferential prejudice.


This is the best way to match the terms below with their definition. The term media refers to the means of communication of a particular culture. This includes newspapers, TV shows, magazines, etc. An allegory is a story that relies heavily on symbolism and which has a moral or political meaning. Finally, bias refers to the preferential treatment that a particular group, idea or person receives from someone else.