1- Where would positively charged particles be most likely found in an atom?
A) Around the electrons
B) Inside the electrons
C) Inside the nucleus
D) Outside the nucleus

2- Meteors generally burn up in the
A) Stratosphere
B) Mesosphere
C) Thermosphere
D) Exosphere

3- Which of these statements is correct about a scientific law?
A) It describes specific relationships which change over time.
B) It describes specific relationships under given conditions.
C) It offers an explanation of specific relationships under given conditions.
D) It offers an explanation of specific relationships which change over time.

4- The theories on the expansion of galaxies
A) May be re-examined to strengthen science
B) Should not be tested to strengthen science
C) Will weaken scientific knowledge if they change
D) Will become laws if they do not change

5- During the mature stage of a thunderstorm, air moves
A) Upwards
B) Downwards
C) Towards sea
D) Towards land

Respuesta :


1- C) C) Inside the nucleus


As we know, positively charged particles called protons are found inside the nucleus. An atom contains all three types of particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. Among these, neutrons and protons reside inside the nucleus whereas electrons revolve around the nucleus in specific orbits.

As we know there is no charge on neutron, positive on protons and negative on electrons, that is why the overall charge of an atom is neutral. Because the positive charges are equal to negative charges, they cancel the effect of each other.


2- B) Mesosphere


Mesosphere is the part of our atmosphere that is present directly above stratosphere and extends 31 to 53 miles or 50 to 85 km above the earth. This is the place where the air masses are relatively mixed together and the temperature decreases with altitude. Atmospheric temperatures reach the lowest average value of around -90°C in the mesosphere. The research has shown that meteors burn up in the mesosphere.

Sometimes we can see a certain kind of lightening on sky that is called sprites. It appears above thunderstorms in the layer mesosphere.


3- A) It describes specific relationships which change over time.


Scientific law is very different from a theory since law is just a description of facts or the phenomenon we have observed, while the theory explain why a specific phenomenon occur under certain circumstances. The reasoning part is missing in the law that is why it just describes relationship between certain factors we were researching over a certain period of time.

Laws can also considered to be as observation about a relationship of two or more than two things that has been tested by series of experimentation and supported by those experimentation.

For example: Mendel’s laws of inheritance and segregation.

4- A) May be re-examined to strengthen science


As we know that the science always demands for testing and again testing until we reach a reliable theory that can be transformed into a scientific law based on those replicated results.

Scientific law is very different from a theory since law is just a description of facts or the phenomenon we have observed, while the theory explain why a specific phenomenon occur under certain circumstances.

Therefore, we can say that law always does not demonstrate how exactly the phenomenon took place. There is no doubt that if a theory is not disproved by researcher over a long period of time, it becomes a law. However, to reach that conclusion just on the basis of time is not sensible. It is better 1- be re-examined to strengthen of a phenomenon and retest it so that the more reliable description can be made a law.


5- B) Downwards


During the mature stage of a thunderstorm air moves both in  downwards direction. Studies has shown that downwards movement of the air is dominated by the upward movement.

This is because when a thunderstorm starts and is at very initial stages, air is moving in upward direction and leads to the production of clouds because warm air is rising.

However when a storm become mature in intensity cold air start to dominate and leads to the breaking up of storm.

So, if we talk about mature stage, option B is the most suitable answer.

Hope it help!

Answer # 1

option   C)

Inside the nucleus is correct answer.


As we probably am aware, decidedly charged particles called protons are found inside the core. An iota contains each of the three kinds of particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. Among these, neutrons and protons dwell inside the core though electrons rotate around the core in explicit circles.  

As we probably am aware there is no charge on neutron, positive on protons and negative on electrons, that is the reason the general charge of a particle is nonpartisan. Since the positive charges are equivalent to negative charges, they drop the impact of one another.  

Answer # 2

Option  B) Mesosphere  is the correct answer


Mesosphere is the piece of our climate that is available specifically above stratosphere and stretches out 31 to 53 miles or 50 to 85 km over the earth. This is where the air masses are moderately combined and the temperature diminishes with elevation. Air temperatures achieve the most minimal normal estimation of around - 90°C in the mesosphere. The exploration has demonstrated that meteors wreck in the mesosphere.  

Once in a while we can see a particular sort of helping on sky that is called sprites. It shows up above tempests in the layer mesosphere.  

Answer #3

option A)

It depicts explicit connections which change after some time.  

is the correct answer.


Logical law is altogether different from a hypothesis since law is only a depiction of actualities or the wonder we have watched, while the hypothesis clarify why an explicit marvel happen in specific situations. The thinking part is absent in the law that is the reason it just depicts connection between specific variables we were inquiring about over a specific timeframe.  

Laws can likewise viewed as perception about a relationship of at least two than two things that has been tried by arrangement of experimentation and bolstered by those experimentation.  

For instance: Mendel's laws of legacy and isolation.  

answer #4

option  A) May be reevaluated to reinforce science  

is correct option.


As we realize that the science dependably requests for testing and again testing until the point when we achieve a solid hypothesis that can be changed into a logical law dependent on those reproduced outcomes.  

Logical law is altogether different from a hypothesis since law is only a depiction of actualities or the marvel we have watched, while the hypothesis clarify why an explicit wonder happen in specific situations.  

Along these lines, we can say that law dependably does not exhibit how precisely the wonder occurred. There is no uncertainty that if a hypothesis isn't negated by analyst over an extensive stretch of time, it turns into a law. Notwithstanding, to achieve that end just based on time isn't sensible. It is better 1- be reevaluated to reinforce of a wonder and retest it with the goal that the more dependable portrayal can be made a law.  

Answer # 5

option B) Downwards  

is correct option.


Amid the develop phase of a rainstorm air moves both in  downwards bearing. Studies has demonstrated that downwards development of the air is overwhelmed by the upward development.  

This is on the grounds that when a tempest begins and is at exceptionally beginning stages, air is moving upward way and prompts the creation of mists in light of the fact that warm air is rising.  

Anyway when a tempest end up develop in force chilly air begin to command and prompts the separating of tempest.  

In this way, in the event that we talk about develop organize, alternative B is the most reasonable answer.