It shocked me that as opposed to giving leadership a chance to wind up one of the president qualities, Dickerson demonstrates us other 4 more particular characteristics. The administration is the sum of the 4 traits characteristics. I didn't consider the last two characteristics before.However, after I read this article, particularly the inquiries which president needs to think about, I trust the influence and personality are two important qualities. What's more, I don't believe Dickerson's rundown of characteristics finish. I would like to include money related administration capacity into the rundown. Here are some questions as certaining this quality. Does president thoroughly consider a few thoughts for enhancing the economic? Does president consider the duty issue? How financing cost would be changed for keeping up the monetary change? These 4 characteristics are important in light of the fact that they get together to demonstrate to us the president's initiative. For the newest one - money related administration capacity is imperative on the grounds that for a country financial administration will specifically impact the economy. Economy standard would affect other vital components, for example, instruction, health and amusement.