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The symbol on a map that shows directions is called a compass rose. There are many varieties of compass rose. The simple most 4 points compass rose simply shows the basic four cardinal directions, i.e North/South/East/West. The slightly more complex one is 8 points compass rose and that uses the principal wind to show 4 cardinal directions (N/S/E/W) as well as four ordinal directions (NE, SE, SW, NW). The more complex ones are 16 points as well as 32 points compass rose. These are made by further bisecting the angles of 8 points or 16 points respectively and could show a direction difference of quarter-winds at 22 1⁄2° (for 16 points) or 11 1⁄4° (for 32 points). There are also many variants of compass rose available, such as Classical compass rose, Sidereal compass rose, Mariner's compass rose etc.
the answer is compass rose