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Companionship blueprint: Traditionally, marriages used to be arranged by families based on the financial wellbeing of the husband to be. In this way, both man and wife had no say on who they wanted to marry. In a companionship type of marriage, both man and woman search for their own partners and so they have to fall in love before they decide to get married rather than depending on their families to choose spouses for them. So marriage begins with falling in love first.
After they get married, there is a well defined and separate role for each partner. This means that each spouse knows and understands what is expected of him or her in the sustenance of the family. The husband’s job is to support the family. He depends on his wife for companionship and there is togetherness in the family because they do things together like sharing meals. The home is considered as a haven for the husband after a day’s hard work he comes home to rest and receive love and comfort from his wife.
On the other hand, the wife is the center of home life and she makes sure that everybody is comfortable and well taken care of. It is the wife’s duty to maintain the love relationship and she holds the responsibility for the relationship between her and her husband. She makes sure that love thrives between them by keeping the home clean and taking care of her children tooHowever all decisions like spending of family resources have to be made by the husband. So this relationship focused on affection and support for each other