
12 the world systems approach argues that more of the world resources go where?
A Core nation
B Peripheral nations
C Developing nations
D Third world countries
13 modern industrial societies have less social diversity than preindustrial societies?
14 Culture lag refers to a period of maladjustment as nonmaterial culture adapts to new material culture?
15 Which of the following is a characteristic of modernization?
A A growth in small traditional communities
B An expansion of individual choice
C A disinterest in the future
D All of the above
16 the equilibrium model states that social change happens because society seeks which of the following?
A Conflict
B development
C Balance
D The common good
17 Which theory argues that societies progressed through various stages, from preindustrial to industrial to postindustrial societies?
A Cyclical theory
B Modernization theory
C World-systems theory
D Equilibrium theory
18 why did Marx believe that social change was necessary in society?

A it keeps life interesting
B Its help corrects inequality and injustice
C Its makes some nations richer than others
D It makes life easier for everyone
20 which of the following is a characteristic of postmodernity?
A A belief that science has all the answers
B Decreasing cultural debates
C An uncertainty about the future
D Increasing production of ideas
21 which theory of social change has been used most often to explain the collapse or decline of civilizations?

A Cyclical theory
B Modernization theory
C Equilibrium theory
D evolutionary theory
22 what evolutionary theory states that all societies pass through the same stages and reach the same end ?
A Multilinear
B Unilineal
C Duolinear
D linear
23 social change is overwhelmingly positive for society?
24 WHICH of the following are those groups or individuals who will suffer from a particular from of social change?
A Developing nation
B Postmodernists
C Vested interests
D luddites

Respuesta :

12) A. Core Nations
13) False
14) False; refers to a period of maladjustment as nonmaterial culture struggles to adapt to the new material culture
15) B. Expansion of personal/individual choice
16) C. Balance
17) B. Modernization
18) B. Corrects Inequality & Injustice
20) B. Decreasing Cultural Debates
21) A. Cyclical Theory
22) B. Unilinear
23) False
24) A. Developing Nations


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