
Based on the information provided in this sentence, what is the best definition of "remote antiquity?"

To complete his costume he wore a coat too long for him, dating back, if one might judge from its general appearance, to a remote antiquity. (5 points)

The distant past

The far-flung provinces

An abandoned mansion

An exotic, far-away place

Respuesta :

It is distant past

an·tiq·ui·tyanˈtikwədē/noun1.the ancient past, especially the period before the Middle Ages."the great civilizations of antiquity"synonyms:ancient times, the ancient past, classical times, the distant past"the civilizations of antiquity"

Answer: A) The distant past.

Explanation: Based on the information provided in the given sentence, the best definition of the expression "remote antiquity" is the corresponding to option A: distant past, we can know that by the context of the phrase, because the man wore a coat "dating back" to a remote antiquity (the phrase "dating back" gives the idea of a time in the past), and also by the definition of the individual words: antiquity means "from the ancient past" and remote means "distant."