A certain insect population doubles every 3 days. Suppose that currently, there are 50 insects in the colony. How many insects will be in the colony in 3 weeks.
A- 1600
B- 6400
C- 3200
D- 12800

Respuesta :

This is exponential growth.  We start with 50 insects.  In 3 days we have 100 insects (double 50).  Therefore,

100 = 50*e^(k*3), where k is the growth constant.
                                                                        log 2
Then 2 = e^(3k), and log 2 = 3k, so that k = -----------
                                  log 2
Formula:  N = 50*e{---------- *t}

You'll need to evaluate this formula for t=3 (weeks).  Can you do that?