1. The property measures as follows:
North property line = 766.0 feet
East property line = 361.5 feet
South property line = 738.67 feet
West property line = 370.0 feet
A. Determine the total linear feet of the perimeter of the property.
B. Determine the combined east and west property line length.

2. A delivery of lumber is made that includes 31,368 linear feet of 2X4, DF #2. The load also includes some 2X6, DF #2. The total linear feet of lumber delivered is 104,572 linear feet. Determine the quantity of 2X6 delivered.

3. Calculate the following.
A. 1/2″ + 4 1/4″ + 21 1/4″ + 5/16″ + 1/8″ =
B. 52 7/8″ – 12 1/2″ - 10 1/4″ - 19 1/8″ =
C. 12.66 lf + 175.5 lf – 90.99 lf + 67.66 lf – 200.17 lf =

4. Calculate the following.
A. 1 1/4″ × 1/2 =
B. 21 3/4″ ÷ 2″ × 44 1/4″ =
C. 350 cu ft (ft3) ÷ 27 cu ft (ft3) = __________ cu yd (yd3)

5. Calculate the following.
A. A plot measures 245′-0″ × 133′-0″. Calculate the area.
B. Calculate the same area in metrics.

6. Calculate the following.
A. The rise of a sloped roof is 14′-0″ and the run in 24′-0″. Calculate the length of a rafter excluding any overhang.
B. The lengths of a rectangular structure are 161 lf by 65lf. Calculate the linear feet of the perimeter.
C. Calculate the area of the flat plane of the structure in “b” (above).
D. Calculate the volume of concrete (in cubic yards) necessary for this area if the slab is 6″ thick. Note: 27 ft3 = 1 yd3.

Respuesta :

 1. A. Total linear feet of the perimeter = 2,236.18 lf : add all the property line to get the linear feet of the perimeter.
    B. Combined east and west = 731.5 lf : add the east and west property line.

2. The quantity of 2X6 delivered = 73,204 lf : deduct the lf of 2X4 from the total linear feet of lumber that was delivered.

3. A. 26 7/16 : add all fractions together
    B. 11 : deduct the following fractions from 52 7/8
    C. -35.34 : follow MDAS, add first before subtracting 90.99 and 200.17

4. A. 5/8 or 0.625
    B. 29/118 or 0.2458 : since there are no parentheses in the equation, we will follow the MDAS rule. So we'll first multiply then divide.
    C. 12.9629... cu ft or 0.4801097393... cu yd

5. A. 32,585' 0" : to get the area, multiply the given measurements
    B. 3,027.15: convert ft^2 to m^2 (1 ft2 = 0.0929m2)

6. A. 38 : add both values
    B. 452 : add all sides (161 + 161 + 65 + 65)
    C. 766’ + 738.67’=1504.67’x 370’= 556727.9 / 2= 278,363.95
Using East property line = 361.5 feet 361.5*xSouth property line = 738.67 feet x 6= 1,602,175.23 yd3
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