I need help with my sign language
1. Which of the following non-marker indicates a yes/no question?
A. eyebrows up
B. eyebrows down
C. yes face
D. no face
2. Which of the following non-manual markers indicate a WH- question?
A. eyebrows up
B. eyebrows down
C. yes face
D. no face
3. For a WH- question, when is the WH- word is signed?
A. at the beginning of the sentence
B. at the end of the sentence
C. in the middle of the sentence
D. It depends in the English order
4. Which of the following should you do when asking questions?
A. hold the last sign
B. sign a question mark at the end
C. change it to a statement
D. make a confused, puzzled look
5. Which of the following is NOT a WH- sign in ASL?
(Answers are attached in picture)