Throughout the year, Supreme Court justices review cases that have been appealed to the Court. When a session begins, the justices select a handful of cases to more fully review and decide. The justices debate the facts of the selected cases and then vote on a preliminary ruling. For each case, one justice writes a majority opinion, summarizing the Court's reasoning. Justices who disagree with the ruling may write their own dissenting opinions to explain their objections. Lawyers for each party in the case are then allowed to make public arguments in an attempt to sway the justices and address their questions. After the lawyers make their public remarks, the justices take a final vote on a verdict. The Court rules according to a majority of the justices' votes.
Which statement best summarizes the inaccuracy contained in this description of the Supreme Court's decision-making process?
ANSWER FOR APEX(Justices write opinions after the verdict has been determined, not before public arguments.)

Respuesta :

The majority opinion, the dissenting opinions and the final court decision are expressed after hearing the arguments of both parts. They constitute the ruling of the Supreme Court over the case. The paragraph suggests that the Supreme Court first reaches a decision and then hears the parts,

Justices write opinions after the verdict has been determined, not before public arguments.