Respuesta :

Inert gases are group 18 elements. They have there valance shell completely filled, hence they donot undergo chemical reactions under normal conditions.

Following are the list of inert gases, along with their application:

Helium:Used as component of breathing gases due to its poor solubility in fluids or lipids. Helium is used in  low temperature cryogenics.

Neon: Neon finds widespread applications in daily life such as lights, fog lights, TV cine-scopes, lasers, luminous warnings etc.

ArgonArgon is used in electrical components  to provide a protective heat transfer medium for semiconductors. Argon is also capable to fill fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs. It assist in providing blue light.

KryptonKrypton are usually mixed with a halogen to produce excimer lasers

XenonIt is possible to generate X-rays from Xe. When Xe mixed with oxygen, it has to capability to enhance the contrast in CT imaging.

Radon: Radon is a radioactive element, which is used for radiotherapy and relief from arthritis.

Noble gases/inert gases are used in various fields including lamp fillers, metal welding or coolers

Further explanation

Noble gas (group 8A in the periodic system the element) is an element that is not reactive (stable) /inert

Its stability is caused by:

  • 1. ns² np⁶ electron configuration (except He: 1s2), electrons in the subshell are already paired, making it difficult to form bonds with other elements
  • 2. High ionization energy making it difficult to form positive ions (ionic compounds)
  • 3. Low electron affinity that makes it difficult to bind electrons to become negative ions

Some noble gases such as Ar, Kr are obtained from multilevel distillation

The use of noble gases include:

  • 1. Helium: filler of a gas balloon, mix with oxygen in a diver's tube, coolant
  • 2. Neon: filler lights in red, can penetrate the fog
  • 3. Argon: metal welding
  • 4. Krypton and Xenon: colorful lights

Learn more

the periodic table

electron affinity

ionic compounds:Al₂X₃, XCO₃

Keywords : inert gas, application,electron configuration