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Manga Carta has significance in today's government systems because it gave the people power. When it was created in 1215, the government in England had been traditionally run but the King. However, when the people were tired of the unfair power of John Swoftsword, they revolted. They forced him to sign the Magna Carta, giving them rights that they had never had before. The Magna Carta led to the creation of the model parliament, which was a pathway to a more democratic government. As of late, democracies are the most common form of government. This was greatly influenced by the power granted to the people as a result of the Magna Carta. Although people have and still are fighting for their rights, the leadership of the citizens in England of the time of the creation of Magna Carta greatly influenced the amount of power given to the people today.


The Magna Cart did a lot the government. This helped build the Constitution, in more ways than one.  Magna Carta as a source of liberty is well established. This also established the idea of trial by jury. The original Magna Carta had 63 clauses. Manga Carta has significance in today's government systems because it gave the people power. When it was created in 1215, the government in England had been tra ditionally ran but the King. However, when the people were tired of the unfair power of John Swoftsword, which was absolute monarchy they revolted. They forced him to sign the Magna Carta, giving them rights that they had never had before. The Magna Carta led to the creation of the model parliament, which was a pathway to a more democratic government.  
