Respuesta :

Biosphere (Living Things)
All the living things in the planet are categorized under the biosphere. In this view, the biosphere includes all of the animals, plants, and microorganisms of earth. Humans as well belong to this group. The entire ecological communities within the physical surrounding of the earth are within the umbrella of living things (biosphere). These ecological communities interact together with the physical aspects of the earth including the hydrosphere, lithosphere, and the atmosphere.

Collectively, these ecological communities are made reference to as biomes. Deserts, forests, grasslands, aquatic, tundra, and chaparral are the six main biomes that are present in the biosphere. The living things on earth interact with each other in various ways, which is well elaborated under the trophic levels of food chain – how energy is transferred in ecological systems.


A). biosphere


a lil chimpmunk named thedore told me