❤this should be EXTREMELY helpful.❤
❤Bandwagon – attempts to make one feel alone if he/she doesn’t go along
Glittering Generalities – sounds good, says nothing
Plain Folks – attempt to connect with the “grass roots,” ordinary people
Testimonial – use of someone respected to speak well of idea or product
(candidate) Card Stacking – to build a case with only favorable evidence or
part truths Transfer – attempt to associate a positive symbol with a candidate
Name Calling – to label one with something negative
Dehumanize the Enemy – portray the opposition as inhuman or as monsters/beasts
Emotional Appeal: Women and Children – build sympathy for your cause, “American” image, innocence
Animals (Dogs) – build sympathy and a stereotypical “American” image
Patriotic Appeal: Military – build support for military efforts
Symbols – use of American symbols such as Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, or American flag❤
❤and please put me brainliest❤