1. Observe the photo above. Describe the ecological community in the photo
in two to three sentences. You may assume that certain organisms are
present, even if you cannot see them in the photo. How might the
organisms in this scene interact?
2. Now, look at the photo again from a new perspective. This time, try to
describe the photo in terms of the value of the ecological community to
humans. That is, explain the value to humans of the organisms in the
photo. Be as specific as possible.
3. Ecosystem services are ways in which healthy ecosystems benefit humans.
Try to brainstorm ten ways in which you depend on healthy ecosystems
and their components for your lifestyle, whether the one in the photo or
any other ecosystem. Think broadly, including your food, clothing,
transportation, health, recreation, etc.
Ecosystem service Description
4. How might these services be destroyed? Describe three scenarios that
would damage or destroy any of these ecosystem services.
s. If these services were destroyed, how might they be replaced, and what
would be the economic cost? You won't be able to put a dollar value on
these, but try to guess at relative costs.