
Summer Dreams
I want to sing, don't make me hush.
It's summertime, I need some fun.
Please let me nap, there is no rush.
I want no chores, I'd rather run.

The pool is cool, the water's clean.
I'd nap, give me the waterbed!
The ice-cream man has just come in.
I'd eat outside till I'm all red.

Oh, Dad! Please grill me something good.
And, Mom! I'd love some lemonade.
My body needs some summer food.
My knees are weak, I've hardly played.

I wish summer would last longer.
I wish I could become younger.
What makes the last two lines a couplet?
The two lines conclude the sonnet.
The two lines end with words that rhyme.
The two lines follow the same rhythm.
The two lines mirror the first two lines.