What contributions did the following scientists make? Select the answer that correctly identifies the scientists and their discoveries from left to right order. Fredrick Griffith, Martha Chase and Alfred Hershey, Messelson and Stahl, Rosalind Franklin, Erwin Chargaff. I) DNA Base Pair Rule–amount of A = T, and G=C II) Bacterial Transformation–Strep bacteria can be transformed from 'harmless' to pathogenic (by DNA) III) 'Blender' experiment showed that DNA and not protein is the genetic material IV) DNA replication is semiconservative V) Photo 51–this X-ray diffraction photo was the key to developing the model for the structure of DNA
1) I, IV, V, III, II
2) III, IV, V, I, II
3) II, V, III, IV, I
4) II, III, IV, V, I
5) I, II, III, IV, V

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