Write a program that creates a linked list Study Handouts 5.2, 5.3. Write your program that creates a linked list of random integers between 0 and 24. New nodes are inserted at the end of the list. The list creation stops when the number 8 is randomly generated. Number 8 itself is not a valid member of the list. Other requirements:
(a) Data structure-Each node of the list has two fields: integer number and pointer to the next node. Last node has NULL value of the field pointing to the next node.
(b) Input-The program has no input data (it uses standard function to generate sequence of random numbers).
(c) Output-The program prints size of the list and the list itself.
(d) Error control-Failure of memory allocation.
(e) Program structure - The program has three functions: int main (void), voidinsert_node (struct node **h, struct node **t, int v) - inserts new element, and void print_list (struct node *h) - prints the list.