Narcissism has been called the characteristic of our times. We are self-absorbed and entitled. We sue people when we feel wronged or when things don't go our way. We are highly materialistic, constantly looking to buy the latest phone, the best shoes, or the name-brand handbag. We strive to maintain and enhance our own self-esteem and disregard the feelings of others in our day to day interactions.In raising our children, we give participation awards rather than first place ribbons. We constantly take pictures, make their needs the focus, and give in to their whims. Children are taught that respect must be earned (rather than given to elders or those of higher status, for example) and that standards are malleable (do the best you can versus reaching preset goals).This movement is taken as an overall indicator of an inward focus not too dissimilar to narcissistic personality disorder. People spend hours taking selfies to get the perfect social media picture, and represent their "best selves" to the world.Do you agree with this assessment of our times? What accounts for societal narcissism? Do modern child-rearing habits encourage narcissism? Is our children's self-esteems overly emphasized? Are we so insecure and lacking in self-esteem that we have to construct elaborate and grandiose images of ourselves just to cope? Are we programmed by too much success or too little?Are we all a little narcissistic? When does the tendency for narcissism cross the line to narcissistic personality disorder? Have you or anyone you know been the "victim" of someone with NPD?