Your assignment is to write a short (three pages maximum, typed and double-spaced) issue brief based on topics covered in this course. In Issue Analysis #3 you will discuss which policy tools are suggested by various stakeholders in a policy debate. Not surprisingly, how each side defines the problem (see Issue Analysis #2) leads them to suggest different "solutions" in line with their world view. For each paper begin with a brief summary describing the issue (no more than a page). Issue Analysis Paper #3 All public policies are designed to encourage, discourage, prohibit, or prescribe private behaviors in the name of the public interest. For example, local governments may try to get households to recycle by providing recycling bins and through public services announcements regarding the benefits of recycling (encourage), or through charging people a fee based on how much trash they produce (discourage), or by prohibiting certain items from being put in the trash (prohibit). For this paper, select an issue and address the following questions:
What behaviors does the policy aim to change?