
Setting Where will the data be collected? Town, City, State? A building, a room, a school? Provide details about the setting. Is everyone taking the survey at once, is it a one-on-one interview in a secured location? Think about what you are doing, what would that look like and where? Only information about the location is needed here. If all data collection will be completed online, provide a hypothetical link regarding where the data will be collected from in the study. Participants Who are you interested in? Demographics information, age, sex, socio-economic background. Where are these participants from? City and State? Are you randomly sampling or conveniently sampling. How many participants are you looking for (aka sample size)? Any other relevant information to your topic. Are you paying your participants? Measures/Instruments What instrument are you using? Is it a survey, if so where is it from? If so describe what you are looking for? If you are using a questionnaire, discuss that. If you are doing one on one interview, what type of questions? If you are are you looking for, these are all instruments and you would need to discuss that. If you are asking participants how they