Discoveri Programs Inc., a Norwegian tech company has created new AI software which could revolutionize the trucking industry. Tom's Trucks Ltd. Is seeking to purchase a license to use the technology. Tom's Trucks operates in North America, primarily ground shipping between Texas and Nevada. Abel is negotiating on behalf of Discoveri with Joe from Tom's Trucks. Discoveri hopes to enter the North American market, and this license agreement presents an incredible opportunity to do so. Tom's Trucks wants to use this software to propel their business. However, should a deal not be reached with Discoveri, Tom's Trucks could hire an internal programmer to develop similar software. Although it would be more expensive and take longer, it would also offer some benefits to them in terms of ownership of the software Abel learns that Joe is interested in nature and bird watching. Abel also shares these interests.

Why is this information relevant to a business negotiation?
a. it is not relevant
b. It shows strong emotional intelligence
c. it can be used to bridge the cultural gap
d. it shows successful active listening