Just war theory requires that an ethical war be jus pre bellum, jus in bellum, and jus post bellum. Which of the following might violate the condition of jus post bellum?
A. After defeating Slobovia in a bloody war, Naughtland demolishes all of Slobovia's factories to prevent them from building any more weapons.
B. After defeating Naughtland in a bloody war, Slobovia raises taxes on their citizens slightly to fund the rebuilding of Naughtland's economy.
C. During a bloody war between Slobovia and Naughtland, a Slobovian general orders troops to slaughter every man, woman, and child in a small town on the Slobovia-Naughtland border.
D. Naughtland and Slobovia have a dispute over who should control a rich agricultural region on the border of the two countries; Naughtland offers to send delegates for diplomatic talks, but Slobovia pre-emptively bombs Naughtland's settlements in the disputed area.