What to write in response to a classmate discussing the following: I would want to focus on getting healthcare in remote areas and get 'knowledge and insite'. Reaching out to healthcare providers who need resources and want to stand-up small facilities to help their communities. If there are no healthcare providers in an area creates some by finding people interested and invest in their education. I personally have seen this while traveling to Papua New Guinea. There is a huge red building with Coca-Cola painted on it where they distribute their product. They give back to the community by sponsoring clubs and other events in the community. While Coca-Cola isn't the healthiest of products to promote to communities it is a comforting treat that the locals enjoy and doesn't seem to promote obesity or poor nutrition in the area. Coca-Cola is a global business and one of the leading consumer goods companies in the world who consistently invests in new products, innovative technologies and fresh ideas (no author, 2022). This is a business model that would be effective in establishing healthcare across the globe. Healthcare should be making communities feel safer and be a reliable resource. If a large company or organization can market and aid remote areas in providing services this could help a lot of communities. The trick would be outreach. Determine healthcare services would best suit a community and appealing to the desire to be healthy.