Samantha contracted with Beatrice to have Beatrice sew custom drapes, sconces, and window coverings for Samantha's new house at a cost of $30,000. In order to sew the drapes, sconces, and window coverings Beatrice needed to procure a certain organic, hand-dyed fabric Samatha wanted that was in short supply. When Beatrice went to purchase the organic, hand-dyed fabric she found that the fabric maker had nearly sold out of the material Samantha wanted and because it was so popular, the fabric seller was charging twice the price for the last of the material remaining. Beatrice could not get the fabric from any other source and at the price the fabric seller was charging Beatrice would make almost no profit on the job. Beatrice told Samantha she could no longer provide the window coverings for her. Can Beatrice be excused from performance due to impossibility?
A. No, because Beatrice could have bought the fabric and did not
B. No, because Beatrice should have made the argument that completing the project was impractical not impossible
C. Yes, because the fabric was no longer available at a reasonable price
D. Yes, because Beatrice made a mistake as to the cost and availability of