Explore the LinkedIn Site. Links to an external site. Take a look at employment projections from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics to see in-demand jobs. Participate in the Discussion Forum where you will engage with your colleagues about uses of the LinkedIn site and the best way to summarize your skills, experience, and expertise, referencing specific employment fields as highlighted on the site Links to an external site.. For example, how do you connect with other LinkedIn users? How do you list your skills so that you can find a job in one of the in-demand fields? Should you always accept invitations to connect with others? What are the advantages of using the tool? What are the disadvantages? How does the LinkedIn Reading address the concept of deception? These questions are a prompt to start the discussion: address other points that you have gleaned from the readings, videos, etc. specifically the reading on LinkedIn and deception and the use of ChatGPT for job search materials.