Pita Aigrais incorporated a business called Aigris Ltd and began trading as a hardware merchant on 1st of March 2011. The transactions for the month of March 2011 were as follows (Ignore GST): March 1. Pita transferred K10,000 from his personal savings to business bank account. 1. Purchase shop fittings for cash: paid by cheque no. 100, K3,800. Paid March rent by cheque no. 101, K750. 2. Purchase goods (1 000 units) on credit form A Co. Ltd, K2,500. 3. Banked cash sales (172 units) totalling K860. 4. Sold goods (76 units) on credit to A. Adam, invoice no. 001, K380. 5. Purchase goods (315 units) for resale: paid by cheque no. 102, K850. 6. Banked cash sales (82 units) totalling K410. 8. Purchase goods (400) for resale on credit from B Co. Ltd, K1,200. 9. Sold goods (98 units) on account to B. Brown: invoice no. 002, K490. 10. Purchased office supplies: Paid cheque No. 103, K120. 11.Banked cheque for return of defective goods (31 u