
Question 2:
"I was working in a health maintenance organization (HMO). In my country, an HMO pays for the healthcare expenses for all of those people who enroll in the HMO. Each individual pays some money, but then the risk of catastrophic healthcare expenses hitting one person is distributed over the whole group. With the population in our HMO getting older, it was becoming more and more expensive to provide good health services, because more people had higher expenses.

As a result, the CEO of the company set a goal of recruiting new members for the plan, preferably insurees younger than our average, to balance our high spending on the older insurees. Specifically, the CEO required every employee of the company to contribute to this initiative, by making marketing phone calls, participating in recruiting events, and bringing up the subject during medical or para-medical appointments. At the time, I was a Nurse Manager, and many of the nurses on my team did not like this requirement. They told me that they were not trained in marketing or sales and it was not the mission they came for, which was treating patients humanely and ethically..."
In the space provided, describe the work/problem of this case. What is technical and what is adaptive?