about 750-1500 words on text - Natalie Baszile, “The Boudin Trail”

Write-up/presentation script: type in complete sentences, not in point form 1. Provide an overview of the text(s) and summarize the major themes and/or key issues. Provide author bio, if available, and relevant background information. 2. Your critical analysis of the text(s). Select two quotations to illustrate your discussion. If your presentation is on a film, you may refer to scenes while making your point. Choose a couple of scenes to show the class. 3. Communicating research. Select one source from your research materials, provide a summary of its argument in a sentence or two in your presentation, and show how it contributes to an understanding of the text(s) and food-related topic. 4. Making connections: -- Identify one text we read in this class to illustrate the connection to the text(s) for your presentation and/or theme(s). -- Think about the ways in which the issues in the text for your presentation speak to contemporary society; to your own experience. 5. Ask 5 discussion questions with suggested answers. They should grapple and wrestle, probe and ponder, and, ideally, prompt further questions, whether stated or implied. Show each question and answer on separate slides. Example: Show a slide with question