Ch. 3 (Ch. 2 in the 14th ed.) Discussion/Reflection Questions A+
Before completing this assignment you will need to read chapter 3 and watch the recorded lecture.
Please give each question some thought before answering and provide detailed responses. The purpose of the discussion questions is to take your
reading to a deeper level and to apply what you have learned to your own experiences.
"You do not need to post feedback for your classmates for this assignment.
1. What is your definition of culture?
2. Name one co-culture you are a part of:
3. Provide an example of intercultural communication that you experienced recently:
4. How does your cultural values and norms influence your interpersonal communication?
5. Do you feel you are a high-context communicator or a low-context communicator? Explain your answer:
6. Do you feel you are more individualistic or collectivistic? Explain your answer:
7. Do you feel that you are high or low in power distance? Explain your answer:
8. Do you feel you are high or low in uncertainty avoidance? Explain your answer:
9. Do you feel you lean more toward masculine (achievement) cultural values or feminine (nurturing cultural values? Explain your answer:
10. Provide an example that illustrates how nonverbal communication is influenced by culture:
11. Provide an example of how we might work to develop intercultural communication competence: