Consider your personal values in relation to your social work practice and relate this to social work ethical principles. In doing so, identify the ideological bases of these ethical frameworks in relation to the following statement: 'Social work is characterised primarily by social change or social control'. Write a reflective essay based on your own practice using academic sources and focusing on the way that values and ethics have impacted/will impact on your practice. Note: Focus on potential agencies you may work with in the future. You can also draw on other work experience to illustrate your argument. You need to show how your own values and social work values and ethics have guided or will guide your own professional practice placements. First person is acceptable but otherwise academic writing conventions, including correct referencing, should be used. Use the following questions as a guide: 1) What are your personal values in relation to your practice? 2) Consider the ideologies underpinning your practice: How does your ideological framework affect your practice? 3) Consider the ideological environment of human services practice. Identify any potential conflict with your ideological framework. 4) Discuss the statement regarding social change/social control in the light of the above discussion of values and ideologies?