For each statement below put yourself in the role of the social worker and construct responses representing 1) surface empathy, 2) reciprocal empathy, and 3) self-involving statements. Clearly label your responses.

Recent Immigrant: My children miss school because they do not feel comfortable there. Teachers are often mean to them because we are Hispanic. They do not give them a chance. I don't think there is anything you can do.

Parent: Who'd want to make trouble for me by accusing me of not taking care of my kids? [Tearfully] Maybe I'm not the best parent in the world, but I try. There are a lot of kids around here that aren't cared for as well as mine.

Member of battered women's group: Last month I was living in mortal fear of Art. He'd get that hateful look in his eyes, and I'd know he was going to let me have it. The last time I was afraid he was going to kill me, and he might have, if his brother hadn't stopped in. I'm afraid to go back to him, but what do I do? I can't stay here much longer.

Elderly person grieving the death of a spouse: I'm feeling just alright. Since the funeral, I've not had a lot of energy. I don't feel like doing a lot of things, so I don't, [pause] I don't go out.

Adult: It's not that I have to drink all the time. It's that I am so tired of people telling me that I have a drinking problem and telling m what to do about it. They don't control me.