What is the robust standard error for the OLS estimate of the slope coefficient (two decimal places)? For this question, the standard error type in R has to be either "stata" or "HC1". Data: We will use the dataset "MASchools" included in the package "AER". The dataset contains data on test performance, school characteristics and student demographic backgrounds for school districts in Massachusetts. (The lectures us a similar dataset for schools in CA.) For the questions in this exercise, therefore, you should load the dataset "MASchools" via: >data("MASchools", package = "AER") There are alternative ways to load the data in R. In tutorial sessions for example, we loaded the package first and then loaded the data. R-tips: You might want to attach the dataset via: > attach(MASchools) You do not need to attach the dataset for this assessment. By attaching the dataset, however, you do not have to specify to which dataset the variables belong when you use them. For example, suppose you want to get summary statistics of the variable salary. Then, before attaching the dataset, you have to do this via > summary(MASchoolsSsalary) But, once you attach the dataset "MASchools", you can do the same thing simply by > summary(salary) The command attach() is useful when you work with many variables. When you do not need the dataset anymore, you can detach it via: > detach(MASchools)