Forty years later, the day Saigon came under the control of the North Vietnamese remains a pivotal and emotional event to many. You will now conduct research to find two different representations of this historical event.

1. First, you will find an image connected to the day the People's Army of Vietnam and the Viet Cong take control of Saigon.

2. Then, you will find a second source of your choosing that represents the same topic (another image, a news article, etc.).

3. After selecting and reviewing both of your sources, you will write a paragraph addressing the following items:

Explain why you selected the image and the secondary source as good representations of the day Saigon came under the control of the North Vietnamese. Why did you feel that each of the sources connected well to this tragedy?
Label each reference to the sources with proper citation: any direct quotations or references should be followed by the last name of the artist or author and the year of publication, in parentheses. Example: (Jones 2015).
At the conclusion of your paragraph, properly cite both of your sources, following the guidelines of image citation. Click here to access the Image Use and Citation Guide for reference.