Imagine you work as a reviewer of graphic novels for a website that tries to highlight the values that graphic novels and superhero characters can teach modern society. Most of the readers of the website are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. The website has a monthly blog where they do a discussion of a classic piece of literature for their readers. This month, you have been asked to write about Beowulf. Write a 525- to 700-word social media post or blog post in which you explain the concepts of virtue and community as reflected in the poem Beowulf. Create Engaging and Effective Social Media Content. How To Create Engaging Social Media Content: 12 Tips To Drive Results. Your social media or blog post should do the following: Discuss what it means to be “good” in the world of Beowulf. Describe the relationship between individual prowess or ability and ethical virtue in Beowulf. Analyze what it means to be a member of the community in Beowulf, as well as how this community membership is communicated. Discuss the role of the monster in defining virtue and community in Beowulf. Include at least 2 quotes from the text.