A two-sided tile has black on one side and white on the other side. Determine the sample space for flipping the tile three times. Toss 1Toss 2Toss 3 BlackBlackWhite BlackWhiteWhite BlackWhiteBlack WhiteWhiteBlack WhiteBlackBlack WhiteBlackWhite Toss 1Toss 2Toss 3 BlackBlackBlack BlackBlackWhite BlackWhiteWhite BlackWhiteBlack Toss 1Toss 2Toss 3 BlackBlackBlack BlackBlackWhite BlackWhiteWhite BlackWhiteBlack BlackBlackBlack WhiteWhiteWhite WhiteWhiteBlack WhiteBlackBlack WhiteBlackWhite WhiteWhiteWhite Toss 1Toss 2Toss 3 BlackBlackBlack BlackBlackWhite BlackWhiteWhite BlackWhiteBlack WhiteWhiteWhite WhiteWhiteBlack WhiteBlackBlack WhiteBlackWhite