For the final task of the unit, it’s time to bring all that you have learned to play by delivering a thoroughly researched and well-written speech to an audience. Feel free to use the material you’ve already written in previous units; the most important thing to concentrate on here is presentation. Before you begin, practice the mindfulness and positive thinking techniques we discussed in the previous unit and make a conscious effort to improve your sense of self-efficacy. Then, practice the body language of confidence and read through your speech several times using a powerful, resonant, and clear voice. Remember to read with energy and vary your emphasis to avoid monotony and to fully engage with your audience. Finally, deliver your speech to at least a room of people. Try to include more people if possible. These people shouldn’t be just your friends and family members because the whole point of learning to speak publicly is that it’s public, not private. Afterwards, write a short piece of around 500 words on your experience, considering how you felt, where you felt you were strong, and where you need a little more practice.