Create a respectful yet eloquent response letter to this message: "Greetings Ms. Ray! First, thank you for reaching out about the issue of needing to receive your expected payment. The payment you received was the Hope Center's portion of the rent as agreed for March, April, and May 2024, and then the Veteran's portion for the March 2024 rent payment. In your communication below you are asking about the late fees for March rent. Please note that my staff went to great lengths to find out why you did not receive the payment as expected and on time, and it was discovered that it was due to the USPS that your payment was not delivered as expected; it was not Hope Center's or the Veteran's fault. In good faith, we have advanced the Hope Center's April and May 2024 portion. I kindly ask that you give consideration and grace in an act of good faith and our excellent working relationship for multiple years that you would consider waiving any claim to late fees for March 2024. As you know, the work to help veterans who have laid down their lives. Be sure to include the lack of communication provided by"